Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thankful for corn.

Another week of thankfulness.
We talked about corn and how it was introduced to us by the American Indians. We used our senses again to help us learn more about this food.

In art, we made paper mosaic corn to look like "Indian corn" and printed with corn on the cob.

We used dot markers to show the kernels on the ears of corn.

In our sensory table, we played with feed corn and used scoops and cups to transfer it and "bake" with it.

We tried out our new tape dispenser and loved using all the colored tapes.

It was tricky to figure out how to stretch it and cut with scissors.

We had a visit from Ms. Lois who talked about the children in Romania that she helps.

We are helping them too! We're collecting money in our "banks" to send the children Christmas presents. It makes us feel good when we help.