Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Friday, September 9, 2011

Our First Week

 We spent out first two days exploring our room and everything in it.  It was a very positive first week with friends getting to know a new room, teacher, and classmates.

 The art easel is always available with paint, markers, or some other type of medium.
 Dramatic Play is also available each day. In this center, children use their imaginations and role play scenes from everyday life.
We played around with numbers and letters.

We practiced sharing space and materials on the first day!

 Ms. Amy helped us draw our faces on a mural for our wall. Our first group art project is already hanging for us to admire.

 Some "new" items were also available.

Scissors were unfamiliar to some of our friends but the interest level to investigate them was quite high!
 Many choices were single participant activities. Children worked solo at these centers and completed them alone or with the guidance of a teacher.
Other center choices invited more than one child to be involved. The kitchen area quickly became a busy place as cooking and cash registers covered the table.

 Group time was very successful. We learned the sign for "friend". Our goal is to see every child in our classroom as a friend.

We listened well at story time.
Snack was delicious and healthy.