Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Our Senses

We used our hands to move big things like the parachute? It felt silky and smooth as we moved it in many directions. 
We used our sense of touch to 
feel what was inside the bag before making guesses.  Everyone wanted a turn to choose something from the bag. 
New vocabulary words emerged as we described the textures that we felt.
A listening game using a music box helped us focus on our sense of hearing. We hid our eyes and on the count of 1-2-3, started listening.
Using our sense of taste, we tried something sweet, something salty, and something sour. It was a little tricky to differentiate those tastes and describe them accurately.

Art projects went 3-D with recycled juice and marker lids. We used a lot of glue to make this touchable display.

Combining a review of some basic shapes and our senses, we matched them together to make a robot face.
A fun read aloud about morning sounds had us using our ears and eyes as we enjoyed this book.
A special new addition to our classroom books is the A-B-C book filled with photos of many things found in our classroom and experiences through our school year.
Be looking for it to come home in your child's school bag soon!