Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


 The subject of Birds was deep and wide.

With only one week, we barely skimmed the surface of this amazing group of animals.

Our group times focused on some factual information about all birds: they have feathers, wings, and a beak.

 We used our magnifying glasses to take a look at some real bird feathers.  Did you know that birds have three different types of feathers on their bodies?

Using that knowledge, we created birds cut from our easel paintings and added a beak, wings, and feathers. 
One of the most interesting birds is the Hummingbird. It's tiny eggs are the size of jelly beans!
We looked at some and compared them with the egg of a chicken and an ostrich.
Then we ate them! (the jellybeans)

 We talked about WHY a bird builds a nest and WHAT a nest is made of.

Using some art supplies, we created our own version of a nest and filled it with Hummingbird eggs.

We practiced the letter "Bb" which begins the word "Bird".

Our writing skills have truly improved over the course of our school year thanks to our brave "risk-takers".

Music time is a favorite no matter what subject we are learning about. This weeks song was  "Five Little Ducks".  Everyone sang, performed the hand motions and laughed when the Daddy Duck called his ducklings home.