Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Ocean

The sensory table was filled with soft, cool sand this week. We hid and retrieved many different types and sizes of seashells. 

We counted sea creatures with Ms. Amy as we practiced our math skills. 

One of our favorite activities this week was following a three step process to create our own ocean bottles.    We used a wonderful little tool, a funnel, to help us get the ingredients inside our plastic water bottles.

 We added sand, shells & rocks, and then filled our bottles with blue water. We know that every ocean has a combination of these three things.

We enjoyed several projects at the art table this week.
 Easel paintings became ocean background for paper schools of fish.
Shark cut-outs were given triangle-shaped teeth (lots of them!), eyes and gills, after reading an informational book about Sharks.
Jellyfish were created from paper plates, streamers, paint and glue. They looked so colorful in our windows and now float above us from the ceiling, giving us an underwater feel.

Informational and fiction books were part of our week as we learned about the creatures of the sea.