Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Apples - Part II

Another week of Apples had us trying a few new tricks. We used a very interesting tool called an Apple-Peeler-Corer-Slicer.

Everyone had a chance to try it out and eat some yummy apple rings we made.

It took some real muscle to do, but it was fun!

We used our smaller muscles to write and create at the art table all week.

The letter Aa got our attention this week and we carefully drew our own version.

We practiced our Math skills counting tiny apples that we glued onto paper. Some papers had almost 20 apples to count!

Check out the science experiment. We took a group of items (including apples) and guessed if they would sink or float. Can you tell what happened to the apples?

Our friends are very careful with the materials at the art table. They enjoy working on their pieces and having finished projects to take home.