Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


 We started our investigation of Frogs with a book that clearly showed the stages of a frog's life cycle.

Then we glued the five stages from egg to frog on our paper.
 We learned some new vocabulary: amphibian, tadpole, pondweed.

Frogs are born from eggs. They develop into tadpoles that have gills, then develop into frogs that have lungs.

Their tails disappear and they grow legs.

Math time had us counting out 5 green frogs and we added the speckles from the three-hole-punch.

We also sang a song about 5 Green and Speckled Frogs using our flannel board.

 We counted and sang through this song several times so everyone had a turn to choose a frog from the board.

Ask your child to sing it for you. Remember to rub your tummy after "eating the most delicious bugs, yum yum!"

Easel painting gave us some large, green lily pads which we decorated with lovely pink paper blossoms.

If you have a chance, take your child to a pond to view real lily pads and if your lucky, see a frog having a rest on one!

Our writing practice focused on the letter "Ff" for Frog.

Some of us follow dotted lines, some trace over a previous drawn line, and some are independent writers. Everyone is growing and progressing.

Read-alouds are one of our favorite times of the day.