Working on our paper friends

Working on our paper friends

Friday, May 13, 2011


 We had a special visitor this week.
Carson's Grandmother shared some information about seeds with us.

She showed us several different types of seeds and what was hidden inside the shells.

She also showed us the book, Seed Soil, Sun, which was full of beautiful photographs and interesting facts.
 Then we got a chance to start some seeds ourselves.

We'll check on them next Monday to see what's happened.
 Our artwork centered around the beautiful blossoms that we see everyday in our yards, fields, and florist shops.

We cut, glued, colored, and painted a variety of flower forms.
Our open-ended artwork made for some unique compositions.

Some of this lovely work is in our Memory Books that will be coming home next week.

We even tasted seeds!

Many of our friends tried both types of sunflower seeds and most of them liked the special snack.

We sequenced the growth cycle of a plant for our math experience. First, second, third, and last is pre-math experience and skill work.
 We were thrilled to play outside during the beautiful sunny days this week.
Everyone enjoyed the fresh air and room to run!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


 We had a special visitor this week. Carson's grandmother came on Wednesday to share some information with us about seeds.

She brought in some flower and vegetable plants that had grown from seed. and then showed us what those seeds looked like and what was inside the seed shell.
 A beautiful resource book was shared by Carson's grandmother and we enjoyed telling her all that we knew about what a seed needs to grow.

Ask your child to tell you three things that a seed needs.
 We made some lovely art using flowers as our inspiration.

We cut photos from magazines and glued them to paper.
 Using both real and artificial blossoms as a reference, we drew our own flower designs with markers.

We glued different petal shapes to form some abstract flowers.
Part art and part math, we sequenced the steps to show how a seed grows into a flower.

 We even tasted seeds!  Two kinds of sunflower seeds. Ask your child if they liked them.

We sorted many different types of seeds. Some looked familiar (corn, beans, peas).